
Have You Heard About Content Pillars?

What are your 5 Content Pillars that you want to be known for and that your followers will clearly recognize as your informative content?

Stop and think about this now, and jot them down. What are the 5 subjects you can write about and create content for in no time?

Content pillars are the main foundations of your content marketing strategy. If you set up your pillars right they can help you in many ways:

1. Content that keeps generating traffic

2. You can write around these pillars and create even more content

3. Use them as a guide for your writing and scheduling

4. They can help you stand out from the crowd

Your Content Pillars can change over time. If you use this method content creation will be so much easier and you’ll never be starring at a blank page or computer screen.

Mine are:

Travel – I was in the travel business for over 30 years!

Paid Advertising – I am a META Ad Manager and help my clients grow and scale their businesses.

Content Creation – I like to help my followers come up with ideas that will work for their individual businesses.

My Family– Love my family and sharing and bragging about them often makes me feel good!

Social Media – I understand the value and asset that social media plays in our businesses every day.

Here are a couple of articles that you might find helpful as you put your Content Pillars in place for this year!



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