9 Secrets To Getting The Most Out Of Your Facebook and Instagram Advertising

9 Secrets To Getting The Most Out Of Your Facebook and Instagram Advertising

Why Should You Consider Advertising on Facebook and Instagram?

Because 70% of Facebook Users in the U.S. log into Facebook on a daily basis. That’s more than Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. 

So…. All these users are a huge potential for marketers, and Facebook has become one of the best advertising platforms for both Business to Business(B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C).

As social media organic reach dwindles, smart marketers have been using Facebook and Instagram advertising to get fantastic results.

There is a lot that must come together to make a successful Facebook Ad Campaign:

  1. A Great Creative, Image, video or Carousel and GREAT Copy.
  2. Drilled down deep audience targeting.
  3. The right Objective or goal.  Ask yourself “What do you want the prospect to do when they see your ad?”
  4. The correct budget that goes hand in hand with your objective.

Strategy #1

Narrow your audience by using Facebook detailed targeting, then write your copy to that specific audience. Use retargeting to get back out in front of people who already know your brand.

The algorithm will help you get an idea of your Audience definition (# of potential people you’ll reach)

When you construct your ad in ads manager.

Strategy #2

Facebook’s strength is its ability to target, so don’t write just one ad for everybody. Write you copy for specific audiences, with specific problems that your service or issue solves.

Strategy #3

Make sure that your Facebook ad Copy goes with your creative in the ad. Use free tools like Canva (www.canva.com) to create specific images, carousels, or videos for your paid ad.  The creative must match to the copy description, and call to action in the ad.  Make your visuals stand out.

Strategy #4

The best ads always have one clear goal or objective.  And the call to action matches the goal. You never want to confuse your audience because they won’t take any action if they do not know what you want them to do next. You want them to only take 1 action, click to buy, watch the video, like your page etc.

Strategy #5

Since you are paying for the ad, you may be tempted to cram as much info into the description as possible.  But… don’t do that.  Be brief, explain your product and benefits and keep it as short and concise as possible and always lead with value.

Strategy #6

Don’t ever use any industry jargon.  Keep the language simple and easy to understand, and on 5th grade level.  When someone sees your ad they should recognize:

  1. What you are offering them
  2. How the product or service benefits them
  3. What you want them to do next

Strategy #7

Be ethical and upfront about cost of what you are advertising. Lead with the numbers, especially if you are running a sale.  Clearly state the % off discount you are offering in your advertisement.

Strategy #8

Ask colleagues, friends, and relatives to look at your ad and get a second opinion.  Get additional perspectives on the copy, creative and CTA.  Even if it’s someone who is outside your business, it will help you understand the ads effectiveness.

Strategy #9

One easy way to improve your ad, is to test it.  Consider running 2 different ads, with different images, or different copy and see which one performs better.  Or run a video vs an image and see which one does better.  The only way you can ensure your copywriting works is through experience and testing.

Grab your copy of my complimentary Ideal FB and IG Ad Budgets Cheatsheet, so you’ll be ready to begin your Paid Adverting Strategies for new Leads and Business Growth:  CLICK HERE

Want To Know How To Plan A Facebook Ad Budget (Free Download!)

Want To Know How To Plan A Facebook Ad Budget (Free Download!)

Facebook and Instagram are two of the most popular social media platforms. They offer a lot of options for businesses to reach their target audience.

Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads can be very effective for reaching your audience. But if you don’t know how much to spend, you might waste money on ads that don’t convert or get any results.

In this blog post, we’ll share some tips to help you choose the right Facebook & Instagram budget for your business.

Why It’s Important To Set A Budget For Your Ads

One of the first steps in creating great ads is choosing an effective ad set budget. When you set a budget, it helps you plan how much money you’re willing to spend on a campaign over time. This allows you to better track your ROI (return on investment) and make sure that you’re getting the best value from your ads.

If you don’t have a plan for how much money you’re going to spend on Facebook or Instagram ads, it’s easy to overspend without realizing it — which can lead to wasted money and low ROI overall.

If you’re like I was, before I discovered the best practices for Facebook Ad Budgets, you’ve probably spent hours of your life staring at the screen of your phone, trying to figure out how much you should spend on Facebook ads.

Well, here’s a tip: STOP!

You shouldn’t have to do that. You shouldn’t have to be a math genius or a marketing expert to know how much money to put towards your ad campaigns. And you don’t need to pay someone else $3,000 for their “Facebook ad budget” guide.

That’s why I’ve created this free guide—because I know how hard it can be for small business owners like yourself who don’t have the time or the expertise to make sense of all the information out there about Facebook advertising.

I’m going to walk you through every step of setting up your campaign, from crafting the perfect ad copy to choosing which audience is right for your needs. My goal is simple: when you’re finished reading this guide, you’ll feel confident and excited about running ads on Facebook!

This Cheatsheet & Guide for creating a budget for Facebook ad costs is one of the most effective ways I’ve found to create a budget. Getting started with Facebook ads isn’t that expensive and doesn’t need to be a daunting process, so long as you have the right information. This Cheatsheet & Guide will walk you through setting your ad budgets so you can decide how much you’re willing to invest in your advertising. It’s all about knowing what to expect and planning accordingly, but we’ll also discuss how to save money on Facebook advertising even if you’re short on cash right now.

If that is not enough for you, go here for a FREE guide on how to create a Facebook ad budget that works: CLICK HERE to grab your FREE copy Today!

The top 5 considerations to know when your business is ready for paid ads.

The top 5 considerations to know when your business is ready for paid ads.

Here are the top 5 considerations to know when your business is ready for Facebook or Google paid ads.

1.Your website is complete, and your messaging is clear and concise.  You should have offers and services, your story or mission statement, and visitors know what they can get from you. 

2.The site is easy to navigate, and your prospects don’t have to spend a lot of time finding answers to their questions. They can know instinctively that they are a good fit for working with you.  They can therefore make an informed decision right away.

3.You have a complete business, with all your processes in place.  This would be your email marketing and autoresponder sequences, your contract, new client orientation packet, and any terms and conditions that may apply.

4.You have the capacity to take on new clients.  Be sure your manpower is sufficient to service the leads that come in when you begin to advertise using paid avenues. It would be a disaster if leads began to flow and there was no ability to begin servicing them.

5.You are ready to grow and scale your business and you need to reach a large number of new prospects who may have never heard of you or don’t know what you can offer them. You word definitely gets out to a much broader group than just your followers through paid ads.

Paid advertising is definitely worth investigating, as it’s increasingly hard to predict the social media algorithms and dangerous to rely 100% on organic audiences.  Paid traffic gives your business a guaranteed better chance of reaching a larger audience and more eyeballs on your “stuff.”

Another benefit is that you can get real specific on your targeting and who you want to see your ad.

Both Facebook and Google have different, but excellent ways to do that in your ad campaigns.

You can get analytics and know which ads are performing per the goals of the campaign.  It’s also a good idea to compare paid traffic and results vs organic traffic and results.  You’ll soon know if you want to consider spending money to grow your business. 

Using analytics, you’ll also know when the best time is to run ads.  What day, time of the day and how often to show your ads can be optimized once your ads run for 10-14 days.

One of the most important pieces of your ad campaign is your budget.  It must be in line with goal and results you are looking for in using paid advertising.  

Finally, use the Facebook Ads Library for inspiration and to see what others are doing with their current campaigns.  https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/

I have a new FREEBIE that I invite you to pick up, it’s all about budgets.   When you follow the guidelines in this PDF you’ll know one of the 5 most important success tricks to getting started with Paid Facebook advertising.   Go ahead and grab your copy today:  https://desertdigitaladgroup.com/ideal-fb-ad-budgets/

Important Considerations for Paid Ads

Important Considerations for Paid Ads

Target your ad to a very specific audience.

Facebook’s targeting capabilities are more robust than any other platform.  So you can narrow in on demographics, interests,

location and even behaviors.  You get to choose your age group and gender.  Really know your targeted audience for the ad and

get your ad shown to only the folks that your product or service is 100% right for.

Make it visual appealing to your audience.

Be certain to use the best image(s) or video you can for the ad.  And make sure it’s sized correctly for the placement

of where the ad will show. Sizes vary depending on where you want the ad to be placed.

Be sure to have a great value proposition.

The ad must tell the reader whey they should click on your ad to learn more, buy now, message you, sign up, watch video etc.

Use stats of previous customers to ad social proof that will help your credibility.

You always want to have the visual and copy closely aligned.

If your ad is more general then maybe use a carousel (several images in one ad) explaining the benefits, one on each image.

If your ad is for a specific item, then pair the copy and image accordingly and target specific people who will be interested.

Example: All Virgos out there will love this, if your ad is for an astrology bracelet for the women with an upcoming birthday in Sept.

Don’t forget the clear Call-to-Action.

Many ads I see don’t have this set up correctly.  Example:  Buy now and save X%, but for a limited time.  or This great offer will be ending soon.  Sign up now!

I have both Done-With-You and Done-For-You ad packages. Just visit my website to learn more.

How to WOW Your Clients with Facebook & Instagram Ads For Realtors

How to WOW Your Clients with Facebook & Instagram Ads For Realtors

What to Know About Running Your First Facebook Ad Campaign to get the very best Return On Your Ad Spend

The #1 most important thing you can do to ensure your campaign success is to target your warm audiences. These are known as Custom Audiences. These are people who have already expressed an interest in your offerings.  Like you Facebook Followers, Your Instagram Followers, and your website visitors.  This requires you to build up your pages with followers and guide prospects to click on your website link to be retargeted with your paid ads.

The #2nd most important thing is to know what your goal/objective of the ad you want to run will be. Ask yourself “What do you want the viewer to do next when they see your ad?” That becomes your objective or goal.  i.e. Watch a video, click on a link, go to my website…etc.  There are many goals to choose from when you begin running ads.

The #3rd most important thing is to understand how the algorithm works. Run your ads for longer than 7 days, it usually takes 7 days to get through the learning phase. Test running your ads for 14, 21, even 28 days or longer to bring your costs per action down, your results up and the algorithm to know exactly who to show your ad to.

The #4th most important thing you can do is to be certain you have targeted your ideal audience by location and a few special interests.  You can list cities you service and up to 50 miles from each of them. You will have the ability to select certain interests and include them, as well as exclude certain topics, such as competitors.

The #5th most important thing is your creative.  So…. Test your Images vs Video and see which performs best for your audience. Home tour videos vs carousel image ads may do better than one single image for future ads.  You need to test and know for sure. And then use more of these for your future campaigns.

The #6th most important thing is to keep your copy short and have compelling landing pages with great design and copy, and converting capabilities if you send viewers to your website.  Once they leave your ad, then the destination you take them to must do the work for you.

The #7th most important thing is to be personable.  As a realtor you know that Real Estate is very personal and emotional. It’s also very local as well as data-driven. Create and use tools that help you get your new clients wants, needs, desires down so that you understand exactly what they are looking for in a new home.  Then be sure you speak to that in your Facebook & Instagram advertising.

I’m now working with realtors to help them make their Ads Perform and Grow Their Businesses.  I have a Newly Created free Cheatsheet that you are welcome to sign up for: Know The Ideal FB and IG Ad Budgets Before Spending Any Money on Paid Facebook Ads.  

You can get a copy here 👉👉  www.DesertDigitalAdGroup.com/adbudgets

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