
Why Should You Consider Advertising on Facebook and Instagram?

Because 70% of Facebook Users in the U.S. log into Facebook on a daily basis. That’s more than Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. 

So…. All these users are a huge potential for marketers, and Facebook has become one of the best advertising platforms for both Business to Business(B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C).

As social media organic reach dwindles, smart marketers have been using Facebook and Instagram advertising to get fantastic results.

There is a lot that must come together to make a successful Facebook Ad Campaign:

  1. A Great Creative, Image, video or Carousel and GREAT Copy.
  2. Drilled down deep audience targeting.
  3. The right Objective or goal.  Ask yourself “What do you want the prospect to do when they see your ad?”
  4. The correct budget that goes hand in hand with your objective.

Strategy #1

Narrow your audience by using Facebook detailed targeting, then write your copy to that specific audience. Use retargeting to get back out in front of people who already know your brand.

The algorithm will help you get an idea of your Audience definition (# of potential people you’ll reach)

When you construct your ad in ads manager.

Strategy #2

Facebook’s strength is its ability to target, so don’t write just one ad for everybody. Write you copy for specific audiences, with specific problems that your service or issue solves.

Strategy #3

Make sure that your Facebook ad Copy goes with your creative in the ad. Use free tools like Canva (www.canva.com) to create specific images, carousels, or videos for your paid ad.  The creative must match to the copy description, and call to action in the ad.  Make your visuals stand out.

Strategy #4

The best ads always have one clear goal or objective.  And the call to action matches the goal. You never want to confuse your audience because they won’t take any action if they do not know what you want them to do next. You want them to only take 1 action, click to buy, watch the video, like your page etc.

Strategy #5

Since you are paying for the ad, you may be tempted to cram as much info into the description as possible.  But… don’t do that.  Be brief, explain your product and benefits and keep it as short and concise as possible and always lead with value.

Strategy #6

Don’t ever use any industry jargon.  Keep the language simple and easy to understand, and on 5th grade level.  When someone sees your ad they should recognize:

  1. What you are offering them
  2. How the product or service benefits them
  3. What you want them to do next

Strategy #7

Be ethical and upfront about cost of what you are advertising. Lead with the numbers, especially if you are running a sale.  Clearly state the % off discount you are offering in your advertisement.

Strategy #8

Ask colleagues, friends, and relatives to look at your ad and get a second opinion.  Get additional perspectives on the copy, creative and CTA.  Even if it’s someone who is outside your business, it will help you understand the ads effectiveness.

Strategy #9

One easy way to improve your ad, is to test it.  Consider running 2 different ads, with different images, or different copy and see which one performs better.  Or run a video vs an image and see which one does better.  The only way you can ensure your copywriting works is through experience and testing.

Grab your copy of my complimentary Ideal FB and IG Ad Budgets Cheatsheet, so you’ll be ready to begin your Paid Adverting Strategies for new Leads and Business Growth:  CLICK HERE

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